Here in Malaysia , Gardenia have the capability of producing of 700 million loaves, cakes and buns. Hence, this makes them as the largest wholesale bakery in South East Asia. The demand for the Gardenia have been increased abruptly and the results for this, they have open small warehouse across the country. Day by day basis fresh loaves are being made and stored in the main warehouse in Shah Alam. Then, early in the morning, the breads will be sent to small warehouses. These small warehouses will store breads in the early morning and will be sent to shops at afternoon or evening. From the small stores, all the bread will be sent to the shops by trucks. This is indirect selling to the customers where the breads goes to small warehouse before they goes to customers. However there are direct truck deliveries where the breads will straight send to shops from Gardenia to the nearby outlets and shops. Gardenia delivers fresh daily baked breads straight to shops or outlets to mo...